Travel Reimbursement

Chrome River travel reimbursements are also included in our FNSS Financial Transaction team's portfolio.

My-Fi is being deprecated. Please use the Fire Form links instead.

If you need assistance booking travel or reconciling travel receipts, go here: https://indiana.sharepoint.com/sites/bap/myfi/SitePages/Home.aspx

Within My-Fi under Procurement & Reimbursement choose: P-Card Receipt/Statement Submission. Select the plus button to add new item. Use this form if you need for us to submit receipts for p-card purchases related to travel.

If you require assistance with travel booking or reimbursements, please fill out the required fields with your information as accurately as possible. In the additional information field, include any relevant details, and a member of the FNSS Financial Services team will reach out to you.

Please use the new forms:
FNSS FireForm Page